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How NOT to employ SEO If You Want a Successful Internet Business

SEO is the number one online technique to enhance your traffic on the internet. It is only been in existence for a few years; it has become the number one way to raising your marketing efforts on the internet.

If you want to run a successful internet business then you've to make use of effective SEO techniques. But not all SEO is good SEO. In actual fact, there are a number of SEO techniques that can stall and even hamper your progress online.

Keyword Stuffing:

It is the general term given to overcrowding your content with keywords. Lots of people wrongly believe when they're starting out in online business that if they stuff their copy full of germane keywords, this will make their copy relevant. But it doesn't work this way, and will actually have the opposite effect.

On occasions, this technique might get them to the top of the search rankings. But what then? Getting people to click on your link does not mean you've won because no one is bought anything yet. Any visitors that do click on the link and visit your online business site will see it for what it actually is. They will feel deceived that they've wasted their time visiting it.

Keyword-crammed copy is unreadable, and no one wants to purchase anything from a site where they can't make sense of what is going on. And on top of that, you can get penalized by the search engines as a result.

Duplicate Content:

Duplicate content is the next thing to avoid. You might have written some original content for your online business, and that's great. But that doesn't mean you must go and use it over and over. Duplicate content is frowned upon, and will not enhance your search engine rankings one bit.

Actually, it is likely to completely stall your SEO efforts. Search engines like original content that is providing something useful to the information-hungry surfers. If you are reusing very similar content, this is sure to hurt your efforts.

Devoid of Focus on Conversions:

In no way forget about conversions. Too many companies get so worked up about SEO that they forget about the most essential thing of all - conversions. Your internet business will sink or swim based on how many conversions you're making. Focus too much on getting to the top of the rankings, and insufficient on providing relevant, interesting, powerful content that converts, and you will pay the price.

Great SEO:

SEO is great when it is done well, and can really help to enhance your traffic. But great content is what will convert prospects into customers. Do not create keyword crammed, duplicate content that doesn't do its job. SEO is just one element of good content, not the most essential factor. At all times keep these points in mind when increasing your SEO efforts and your internet business will thrive.



    Monday, February 01, 2010

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